From Good to Great: Unlock your authority and transform your B2B client sessions

A toolkit for B2B client-facing professionals to boost client engagement and drive results (facilitated by a client communication expert)
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From Chris Marr's Desk: What I wish I had when I started...

Caption: Chris Marr, The Authoritative Coach | Download

Hi Coach, 

When I first started in client-facing roles back in 2010, I was overwhelmed. 

Clients were constantly demanding my attention, and I often felt like I was just trying to keep up. 

Despite my best efforts, I never felt in control. I was always scrambling, always a step behind, and my meetings lacked the impact I knew they could have. 

I felt like I wasn’t adding as much value as I could. 

My client interactions weren’t as effective as they should be, which meant my clients weren’t getting the best results either.

We were coasting, stuck in maintenance mode, without any real breakthroughs. 

There were no high-performing, world-class client meetings – just a lot of keeping things afloat and order-taking. 

This left me frustrated and determined to find a better way.

Over the course of thousands of hours working with hundreds of clients worldwide,

I started documenting what worked and what didn’t.

I gathered insights, refined my methods, and slowly built a system. In 2023, I compiled all this knowledge into my book, Become an Authoritative Coach.

But I didn’t stop there. 

I knew professionals needed more than just a book. 

They needed a practical, step-by-step toolkit that would ensure every client interaction was impactful and valuable. 

That’s why I created The Authoritative Client Session Toolkit.

Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned, established professional, this toolkit is designed to elevate your practice. 

It’s the culmination of years of experience and refinement, ensuring that you run high-performing, world-class client sessions. 

With this toolkit, you’ll do your best work, your clients will get their best results, and they’ll want to stay with you longer, solving their biggest and most urgent business challenges.

If you’re tired of feeling like you’re just coasting, if you want to deliver real value and see real results, this toolkit is for you. 

It’s everything I wish I had when I started, and it’s here to help you take your client interactions to new heights.

Join me in transforming your client sessions. 

Let’s make every interaction count.

Unlock the full potential of every client session

Introducing The Authoritative Client Session Toolkit a transformative 10-step program designed to dramatically enhance your client communication.

This comprehensive toolkit provides you with essential techniques to build authority, earn respect, and drive significant client transformation.

Discover how to eliminate weak language that undermines your authority, master the art of setting up world-class client meetings, and effectively manage time to keep every session impactful and engaging.

In the dynamic field of client communication, commanding respect and maintaining engagement are crucial for fostering client growth and ensuring successful outcomes.

With The Authoritative Client Session Toolkit, you will learn to optimise both in-person and virtual settings, create clearer communication, and leverage cutting-edge AI tools for distraction-free sessions.

Elevate your communication, amplify your influence, and witness the transformative impact on your clients' engagement and results.

Take the first step to becoming an authoritative communicator today and lead your sessions with confidence and strategic insight.

What's included? 

  • Benchmarketing tool to help you spot your gaps, and track your progress
  • 10 online lessons - video, audio and text (Available to download and keep)
  • Tools, resources, frameworks, worksheets, and PDF downloads (Available to download and keep)

What will I learn?

Caption: Find out where you are and improve your coaching sessions | Download

Your 10 video lessons and PDF resources include:

  1. Are you accidentally diminishing your authority? Banishing weak words to command respect and influence
  2. Ahead of the game: Setting the conditions for world-class coaching sessions
  3. Command your virtual space: Zoom settings for enhanced authority and client engagement
  4. On time, on point: Commanding authority by owning the clock
  5. The authoritative start: Mastering the first moments of every coaching session
  6. Closing with authority: Ending coaching sessions with clarity and momentum
  7. Client conversation container: Create more clarity and control in your coaching sessions
  8. Commanding respect: The strategic art of authoritative session naming
  9. Set the pace: The impact of having the highest energy in the room
  10. Elevating Authority with AI: The art of distraction-free coaching


...FREE annual membership to The Authoritative Coaching Community worth £199

I will also give away FREE annual memberships to my community worth £199 - making this program essentially free! 

  • ✅ On Mondays, you'll receive a video and prompt from Chris to prepare you for your Critical Conversations this week.
  • ✅ On Fridays, Chris records his private video podcast and shares insights and lessons from this week's business coaching sessions.
  • ✅ Join the 'Turning Works into Words' Book Club. Every month Chris chooses a personal favourite book that will help you develop your coaching art and craft.

Is this a good fit for me? 

In your client sessions, do you find yourself struggling to maintain control, feeling as if the conversations drift without a clear direction? 

Do you notice that despite your best efforts, your sessions sometimes lack the structure and authority needed to ensure your clients leave with clarity, direction, and accountability? 

If you're tired of feeling like your sessions end with more questions than answers, and you're frustrated with constantly chasing clients between meetings, you're not alone.

Many client-facing professionals encounter these challenges, but few know how to address them effectively. 

You might be spending more time on administrative tasks than actual coaching, or finding that your clients aren't taking full ownership of their responsibilities, leading to stress and wasted time for both you and them. 

The result? 

Less impact, more frustration, and a sense that you're not providing the high-level service you know you're capable of.

This course is designed specifically for professionals like you, who are ready to transform their client sessions from disjointed conversations into powerful, authoritative interactions that drive results. 

Through ten targeted lessons, you'll learn how to start your sessions with purpose, keep the conversation on track, and most importantly, end every session with the confidence that your clients are clear on their next steps and fully accountable for their progress.

By implementing these strategies, you'll not only improve the effectiveness of your sessions, but you'll also empower your clients to take greater ownership of their success. 

You'll save time, reduce stress, and see a significant improvement in client outcomes. 

This isn't just about being a better coach—it's about becoming the authoritative guide your clients need to achieve their goals.

If you're ready to stop struggling and start seeing real results, this course is the solution you've been looking for. 

Transform your client sessions, enhance your professional authority, and watch as your clients thrive under your guidance.

"I don't have enough time for another course!"

I totally get it. You're already busy. I haven't got time to waste on fluff, either—everything I'm sharing with you is immediately applicable to working with your business clients.

Everything is available for you to download and keep forever so you can return to the tools and resources at your convenience. 

"What makes Chris qualified to teach this?"

With over ten years and thousands of hours in coaching experience, I've transformed 7 & 8-figure businesses, crafted an 18-month coaching program from scratch, and successfully sold 6-figure coaching programs tailored to high-performing businesses.

As the author of 'Become an Authoritative Coach,' I now coach other coaches, amplifying their impact and equipping them with the tools to elevate their clients' lives and businesses. 

"I've read your book 'Become an Authoritative Coach.' Will I still find value in your Coaching Session Toolkit?"

While my book lays a solid foundation by detailing essential coaching strategies, the Coaching Session Toolkit goes several steps further. 

It introduces mostly new content that isn’t covered in the book, including updated tools and resources that I've never published before. 

The toolkit's practical nature allows you to immediately implement what you've learned directly into your coaching sessions. Whether you're a newcomer to my work or a seasoned reader, the Toolkit is designed to complement the book and significantly enhance your coaching effectiveness through interactive learning and real-time application. 

This isn't just a reiteration of the book; it’s an opportunity to engage with the material on a deeper, more actionable level, making it a worthwhile investment even if you're familiar with the concepts discussed in "Become an Authoritative Coach."

"I already have a business coach, will this program still work for me?"

Here's a key insight I've gained from over a decade of working with diverse organisations:

While your current coach brings immense value in their areas of expertise, my Authoritative Client Session Toolkit is designed to complement and enhance that by focusing specifically on improving the dynamics of your client interactions.

This isn't about replacing your current coach but adding a specialised layer to ensure your client sessions are as effective and impactful as possible.

Why consider this program?

  • Targeted focus: We zero in on the nuances of your client meetings—whether on Zoom or in-person—equipping you with strategies to handle difficult conversations, set up successful sessions, and build your authority.
  • Complementary skills: This program is meant to enhance, not overlap, what your current coaching setup offers. It's about making you indispensable by elevating how you engage and influence your clients.
  • Team development: Perhaps you're not the one who needs this training right now. Consider whether your team could benefit from these skills, helping them become more confident and competent. This, in turn, reduces friction and frees you up to focus on other strategic areas.

Here's what others are saying about working with Chris

At the start of the course, my score was 63%, with all areas marked in orange. My most recent results show a significant improvement, rising to 78%, with increases in all sections and two areas (ending sessions and keeping them on track) now in green. This progress indicates that my confidence and authority in sessions have grown as a result of implementing what I've learned.

Throughout the course, I've realised how diminishing some of my behaviours were, even those I didn't initially recognise. The increased self-awareness has been invaluable, allowing me to correct these behaviours and approach my sessions with greater authority. The course has not only equipped me with the necessary tools but has also significantly boosted my confidence in being assertive—exactly what I needed.

Moving forward, I’m committed to better preparation for meetings, ensuring I ask the right questions and maintain high energy throughout. Collaborating with clients to set the agenda beforehand will help keep sessions concise and effective. Additionally, I’ll be leveraging AI for note-taking and administrative tasks to enhance my engagement and presence during meetings.

Thank you, Chris, for this transformative experience." - Cat, Account Manager

"My initial score was 70%, with ending sessions being the weakest area at 58%. After completing the course, my overall score has risen to 83%, with a notable improvement in ending sessions, now up to 80%.  I feel that the areas where I've seen the most improvement align well with my experience.

One area I’ve consciously focused on is keeping project discussions moving forward by owning the clock. I have a tendency to deep-dive into technical details, but now I make sure to clearly define actions and responsibilities so everyone knows who is doing what, reducing any ambiguity.

The AI discussions were another highlight for me – while I was already using AI for various tasks, this course opened my mind to new practices that we've already started implementing within the business. As a team, we're now sharing our experiences internally to spread best practices, generating new ideas for saving time on administrative or thinking-heavy tasks (big fan of reducing cognitive load!).

It’s been a great programme, Chris – I’m very grateful for all your lessons!" - Ross, Creative Lead

"I learned how to better structure my communication with prospects and clients, how to reduce weak language to be a more effective communicator, and how to embrace every communication as an opportunity to further educate my audience" - Kaitlyn Pintarich, Owner and President, Berry Insurance 

"Chris helped me improve my communication, including asking questions when working with customers. He has enabled everyone at AES to become a better communicator, a key to connecting and knowing our customers better than anyone else in our market. I am incredibly grateful for his coaching style and his help in helping me improve as a leader.” - Jim Scultz, Founder and CEO, Applied Educational Systems (AES) 

"His experience and guidance has been profound both personally and professionally. If there’s one thing Chris wants for you, it’s to succeed in life and business. He brings a wealth of wisdom and knowledge to the table like no other. He listens and cares deeply. He’ll challenge and support you to your greatest. If you want to achieve incredible things that you didn’t even think were possible - Chris is exactly who you should be working with.” - Nicola Crawford, Sales and Marketing Director, Gillies and Mackay 

Maximise your coaching impact: Deliver results-driven sessions with confidence!

What if you could transform your client sessions into powerful experiences that command respect, deliver exceptional results, and leave your clients eagerly anticipating the next meeting?

Imagine achieving this transformation in just 30 days with a proven toolkit specifically designed for professionals like you.

The Authoritative Client Session Toolkit
is your ultimate resource for elevating client communication to new heights of clarity, control, and satisfaction.

Created by a seasoned client communication expert with over a decade of experience in high-performance coaching, this toolkit is tailored to address the common challenges faced by client-facing professionals. 

Whether you're dealing with clients who derail conversations, struggle to maintain focus or leave sessions without clear outcomes, this toolkit provides the solutions you’ve been searching for.

Here’s how The Authoritative Client Session Toolkit will revolutionise your practice:

  • Laser-Focused Conversations: Keep every session on track, ensuring meaningful progress and actionable outcomes.
  • Authority and Respect: Establish yourself as the indispensable expert your clients trust and rely on.
  • Enhanced Client Outcomes: Deliver value-packed sessions that drive your clients towards their goals faster.

This comprehensive programme equips you with the strategies and tools to lead sessions with authority, maximise engagement, and maintain high energy from start to finish.

Discover the secrets to starting and ending sessions with authority, managing time effectively, and ensuring accountability—all while exceeding your clients' expectations.

Don't let another session slip by without tapping into the full potential of your client communication. 

Join the ranks of top-performing professionals who have transformed their practice with The Authoritative Client Session Toolkit.

Here's a quick recap of what you get: 

  • Benchmarketing tool to help you spot your gaps, and track your progress
  • 10 online lessons - video, audio and text (Available to download and keep)
  • Tools, resources, frameworks, worksheets, and PDF downloads (Available to download and keep)
  • FREE annual membership to The Authoritative Coach Community (RRP £199)

Get started today, and let's do something great together! 

🗣️ 👀

Get immediate access to the toolkit for £195
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