Master the art of client communication

Find out how established business coaches and consultants use The 5S System to increase revenue, client retention, and session value in just 12 weeks (without overworking themselves!)
12-week group coaching program with one-time payments and monthly instalments available
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What exactly is the 5S Group Coaching Program? 

A 12-week intensive group coaching program facilitated by Chris Marr where you’ll master the 5S system—Setup, Start, Steer, Summarise, Sustain.

It includes weekly live online coaching sessions, self-directed lessons and peer-to-peer learning. 

  • First Class: Tuesday 3rd September 2024
  • Program Length: 12 Weeks
  • Coaching Schedule: Tuesday's at 9am EDT, 2pm UK, 3pm CEST
  • Session Length: 90 Minutes

From Chris Marr's Desk: How my clients pay me more for doing less...

Caption: Chris Marr on Authoritative Communication | Download

Less Coaching, Higher Fees

When I started as a young coach and consultant in sales and marketing, I was driven by the desire to help people and bring out their best. But deep down, I constantly questioned whether my work was really making a difference. I felt that my value lay in giving clients exactly what they wanted, and this mindset led me into a cycle of stress and overwork. I used to be a people pleaser, always trying to do what my clients wanted, even when I knew it wasn't the right approach.

Shorter Sessions, Bigger Impact

I remember the feeling of dread every time a client emailed me, chasing up work that I had procrastinated on. I was always busy, yet I never felt productive. My sessions often felt chaotic, with clients turning up late, distracted, and not taking the work seriously. I believed I had to come up with all the answers, solve every problem, and do more work to prove my worth. But instead of feeling accomplished, I felt like an imposter, constantly anxious and dissatisfied.

Clients Stayed Longer When I Stopped Working Hard

This approach was exhausting. My clients weren't making the progress they deserved, and I was burning out. I knew something had to change. I needed a way to make my sessions more structured and impactful, to ensure that my clients valued the work and saw real results. Over thousands of hours of coaching, I started to see a pattern. The more I focused on guiding clients to find their own solutions, the more effective and fulfilling the coaching sessions became. I developed a structured approach—the 5S system—that changed everything.

I Worked Less and Achieved More

The 5S system—Setup, Start, Steer, Summarise, Sustain—ensures every session is productive and impactful. Instead of doing the work, I help my clients to hire the right people, make better decisions, and bring out their full potential. This shift allowed me to focus on high-value coaching sessions and significantly improved client outcomes.

Respect Came When I Did Less

James Clear's quote resonates deeply here: "You do not rise to the level of your goals, you fall to the level of your systems." By implementing a reliable and scalable system, I created a framework that not only worked for me but could also be taught to other coaches and assistants. This system provided the structure needed to ensure every session was effective, regardless of the mood or circumstances.

I Made More by Simplifying My Sessions

The transformation for me was profound. I shifted from an anxious, overworked consultant to a confident, respected coach. My clients began respecting and valuing my work more, seeing me as indispensable, and staying with me longer. This resulted in a more sustainable and profitable business.

Simplicity Increased My Revenue

For other coaches, the 5S system offers a shortcut. What took me ten years to learn and perfect can now be taught in 12 weeks. This program will help established coaches completely transform their approach to coaching sessions, making them more effective and efficient.

Clients Engaged More with Less Effort

  • Increased Session Value: Each coaching session becomes more valuable, earning you greater respect and making you indispensable to your clients.
  • Longer Client Retention: Clients stay longer, fully committing to the program, attending all sessions, and doing the necessary work.
  • Higher Fees and More Clients: With clients seeing more value in your work, you can charge higher fees and take on more clients, as you’re not bogged down by doing their work.
  • Enhanced Profitability: These factors lead to a more profitable coaching business, allowing you to envision and plan for its future growth.

My Secret to High Client Engagement

If you're a coach or consultant feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or unsure of your value, the 5S system will transform your practice. It’s a tried and tested process that guarantees high performance and client satisfaction. Join the program today and experience the change for yourself. Embark on your own journey to become an authoritative coach and witness the transformative power of a structured system.

Ready to transform your coaching practice? 

The 5S Framework: The Authoritative Coaching Session System

Caption: The 5S System | Download

Transform your coaching practice from chaotic and overwhelming to structured and authoritative with the 5S Framework—Setup, Start, Steer, Summarise, Sustain

By addressing common coaching challenges such as disorganisation, client disengagement, and lack of clear progress, the 5S system ensures every session is productive, impactful, and client-centred.

By fostering deeper client relationships and demonstrating consistent value, the 5S system not only retains clients for longer but also allows you to charge higher fees confidently. 

Experience the power of a clear, repeatable system that leads to sustainable success, allowing you to work smarter, not harder, and achieve greater financial results with less effort.

Stage 1: Setup 

Caption: Stage 01 - Set Up | Download

Address lack of structure by establishing a clear and effective preparation routine, transforming your coaching sessions into structured, authoritative experiences.

Set Up is all about preparation and getting ahead. By meticulously preparing for each session, you ensure a strong foundation, reducing stress and increasing productivity with well-structured, authoritative sessions. This groundwork is essential for achieving a focused and effective start.


  1. Clients not coming fully prepared for sessions, wasting valuable time at the start.
  2. Lack of discipline and organisation leads to anxiety and disorganisation during sessions.
  3. No structured process for sessions, resulting in a lack of direction and focus.


  1. Implement a streamlined preparation process to ensure you are ready for every coaching session.
  2. Set clear and defined session goals to guide your preparation and execution.
  3. Establish a system to ensure clients are ready and prepared for each session.

Stage 2: Start

Caption: Stage 02 - Start | Download

Eliminate session delays and disruptions by ensuring clients are on time and prepared, resulting in a powerful and productive start.

Start is about getting a strong beginning, building on the preparation from Set Up. It engages clients from the outset, establishing a focused and energised start. This strong beginning sets the tone for the session, ensuring productive, high-energy interactions and paving the way for effective steering.


  1. Clients arriving late and unprepared, causing delays and disrupting the flow of the session.
  2. Difficulty in capturing and maintaining client engagement from the start.
  3. Struggling to establish a focused and authoritative tone at the beginning of the session.


  1. Implement techniques to ensure clients arrive on time and prepared, setting clear expectations beforehand.
  2. Use engaging opening strategies and questions to capture client attention and maintain high energy throughout the session.
  3. Establish a structured and authoritative start with proven methods to set the tone for a productive and focused session.

Stage 3: Steer

Caption: Stage 03 - Steer | Download

Avoid unproductive conversations with a clear framework that maintains direction and ensures goal-oriented discussions.

Steer is about maintaining direction and clarity, leveraging the strong start to guide the conversation. With a clear framework to steer the discussion, you achieve control in your sessions, making each conversation impactful and goal-oriented. This direction is crucial for summarising the session effectively.


  1. Sessions often lack direction and focus, leading to unproductive conversations.
  2. Clients frequently deviate from the main topics, causing distractions and wasting time.
  3. Difficulty in maintaining control and ensuring goal-oriented discussions.


  1. Implement a clear framework to guide and structure the discussion, ensuring conversations stay on track.
  2. Use techniques to handle client resistance and bring the conversation back to the main topics.
  3. Develop authoritative communication skills to maintain control and ensure goal-oriented discussions.

Stage 4: Summarise

Caption: Stage 04 - Summarise | Download

Resolve client uncertainty by clearly highlighting progress and key takeaways, reinforcing satisfaction and direction.

Summarise is about highlighting progress and key takeaways, building on the clear direction established during Steer. By reinforcing client satisfaction through a clear demonstration of their progress, you increase the perceived impact of each session. This clarity is essential for ensuring sustained engagement between sessions.


  1. Clients may not see their progress, leading to dissatisfaction and disengagement.
  2. Unclear session outcomes leave clients uncertain about next steps.
  3. Difficulty in maintaining client motivation and commitment between sessions.


  1. Highlight key takeaways and progress to reinforce client satisfaction and demonstrate the value of each session.
  2. Ensure clear communication of session outcomes, providing clients with a clear direction and purpose.
  3. Use techniques to maintain high energy and motivation, ensuring clients leave sessions feeling confident and engaged.

Stage 5: Sustain

Caption: Stage 05 - Sustain | Download

Overcome accountability challenges between sessions by maintaining clear communication expectations, leading to sustained progress.

Sustain is about ongoing support and follow-up, relying on the clarity and direction provided in Summarise. It enhances client loyalty and satisfaction with tools and strategies for consistent engagement. This ongoing support ensures that clients remain committed and clear on their direction between sessions, completing the cycle and feeling back into future Set Up stages.


  1. Inconsistent client engagement between sessions leads to a lack of progress.
  2. Difficulty in maintaining client motivation and accountability.
  3. Unclear follow-up actions result in clients feeling lost and disengaged.


  1. Establish clear communication expectations and boundaries to ensure consistent engagement.
  2. Use AI tools and deliberate practice techniques to capture themes, insights, and scale coaching performance.
  3. Develop strategies for ongoing support and follow-up to maintain client motivation and accountability.

Frequently Asked Questions

"I don't have enough time for another course!"

I totally get it. You're already busy. I haven't got time to waste on fluff either - everything I'm sharing with you is immediately applicable to work with your clients.

I'm also making everything available for you to download and keep forever so you can return to the tools and resources at your convenience. 

"What makes Chris qualified to teach this?"

With over ten years and thousands of hours in coaching experience, I've transformed 7 & 8-figure businesses, crafted an 18-month coaching program from scratch, and successfully sold 6-figure coaching programs tailored to high-performing businesses.

As the author of 'Become an Authoritative Coach,' I now coach other coaches, amplifying their impact and equipping them with the tools to elevate their clients' lives and businesses. 

"I've read your book 'Become an Authoritative Coach.' Will I still find value in your 5S System?"

While my book lays a solid foundation by detailing essential coaching strategies, The 5S System goes several steps further. 

It introduces mostly new content that isn’t covered in the book, including updated tools and resources that I've never published before. 

The program's practical nature allows you to immediately implement what you've learned directly into your coaching sessions. Whether you're a newcomer to my work or a seasoned reader, The 5S System is designed to complement the book and significantly enhance your coaching effectiveness through interactive learning and real-time application. 

This isn't just a reiteration of the book; it’s an opportunity to engage with the material on a deeper, more actionable level, making it a worthwhile investment even if you're familiar with the concepts discussed in "Become an Authoritative Coach."

"I already have a business coach. Will this program still work for me?"

Here's a key insight I've gained from over a decade of working with diverse organisations:

While your current coach brings immense value in their areas of expertise, The 5S System is designed to complement and enhance that by focusing specifically on improving the dynamics of your client communication.

This isn't about replacing your current coach but adding a specialised layer to ensure your client sessions are as effective and impactful as possible.

Why consider this program?

  • Targeted focus: We zero in on the nuances of your client sessions—whether on Zoom or in-person—equipping you with strategies to handle difficult conversations, set up successful sessions, and build your authority.
  • Complementary skills: This program is meant to enhance, not overlap, what your current coaching setup offers. It's about making you indispensable by elevating how you engage and influence your clients.
  • Team development: Perhaps you're not the one who needs this training right now. Consider whether your team could benefit from these skills, helping them become more confident and competent. This, in turn, reduces friction and frees you up to focus on other strategic areas.

Here's what others are saying about working with Chris

I’ve known and worked with Chris for over a decade now and it’s fair to say he’s had a huge positive impact on my career to date. With Chris’ work on communication and leadership, it made it an easy decision for me to book him to come and run a couple of workshops for the team at Yatter.

Our goal is simple: to provide the best agency experience possible to our clients. In order to do that, I believe we need to be the best communicators. When I decided to bring in a trainer, it was a no-brainer to bring in Chris.

The first workshop was thoroughly enjoyed by the team and 3 weeks on, we are still discussing and actioning the things we learned in our day-to-day work. We’re already seeing it pay dividends, with the team reporting clear improvements in our client relationships.

Chris doesn’t just read communication jargon off the slides, his style is very interactive and engaging and he ensures everyone in the room is following along at the same pace.

If you are looking for someone to do training with your team on leadership, coaching, communication or management, look no further. You won’t regret it. We have already booked Chris to come back. - Gavin Bell, Owner, Yatter

"I extend my heartfelt congratulations on the outstanding success of your workshop. The content was not only excellent but also incredibly relevant and practical, offering immediate application for the team.

More so, your performance, delivery, and speaking skills were truly world-class. Our team is accustomed to high standards, often attending courses led by Christian, a renowned speaker in his own right. So, when they express enjoyment and find a session engaging and beneficial, it is high praise indeed and not easily earned.

Your workshop played a crucial role in aligning the team on our coaching path, sending a clear message about our serious and intentional approach to this journey. I am delighted with the outcome and deeply grateful for your contribution to our success.

Thank you once again, Chris, for your exceptional work" - Brendon Macdonald, CEO, DSD

 "I learned how to better structure my communication with prospects and clients, how to reduce weak language to be a more effective communicator, and how to embrace every communication as an opportunity to further educate my audience" - Kaitlyn Pintarich, Owner and President, Berry Insurance 

"Chris helped me improve my communication, including asking questions when working with customers. He has enabled everyone at AES to become a better communicator, a key to connecting and knowing our customers better than anyone else in our market. I am incredibly grateful for his coaching style and his help in helping me improve as a leader.” - Jim Scultz, Founder and CEO, Applied Educational Systems (AES) 

"His experience and guidance has been profound both personally and professionally. If there’s one thing Chris wants for you, it’s to succeed in life and business. He brings a wealth of wisdom and knowledge to the table like no other. He listens and cares deeply. He’ll challenge and support you to your greatest. If you want to achieve incredible things that you didn’t even think were possible - Chris is exactly who you should be working with.” - Nicola Crawford, Sales and Marketing Director, Gillies and Mackay 

What you can expect 

This is a 12-week group coaching program facilitated by Chris Marr. It includes weekly live online coaching sessions, self-directed lessons and peer-to-peer learning. 

  • First Class: Tuesday 3rd September 2024
  • Program Length: 12 Weeks
  • Coaching Schedule: Tuesday's at 9am EDT, 2pm UK, 3pm CEST
  • Session Length: 90 Minutes
12-week group coaching program with one-time payments and monthly instalments available
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